Thandiwe Muriu Kenya, b. 1990
59 x 39 3/8 in
“Give and give, for it is never too little.” African Proverb
Where stacked apartments and tarmacked roads intertwine within the city of Nairobi, one can often find a lone tree anchored within the dust and stone. These trees are not just the providers of shade but the heartbeat of the communities who dwell there. It is under the cover of a tree that knowledge is imparted to children without formal classrooms, workers exchange moments and memories over a drink of soda, and motorbike riders nap under dappled sunlight as they wait for their next passenger. Trees draw people together. Much like these Nairobi trees, women are the trees of their households. They are a source of life and exchange to their loved ones. Under a woman’s canopy, relief is found, wisdom shared or retold, and memories of joy created. For a woman is not just an individual, but a special gathering place for her community.