In its 350 m² space at 24 rue Béranger, 193 Gallery discovers the artistic lexicon of the Cameroonian scene by presenting the works of eight talented contemporary artists. This eclectic panorama highlights the cultural effervescence of Cameroon, which today resonates on the international scene.
The Cameroonian scene is made up of 4 generations, the first of which really takes root in the 40s and 60s. It is drawn and illuminated progressively with "the great ones" like Barthélémy Toguo, but also Hervé Youmbi, Justine Gaga, Salifou Lindou, Joël Mpah Doh and many others. The scene presents an extraordinary solidarity and each generation comes to support the next and guide it on the paths of art. It is the late arrival of the first schools of Fine Arts (around 2009-2010) that will train the younger generations to the "great way", thus putting the figurative back in the taste of the day while generating initiatives always more interesting. However, it is the "old-timers" who deepen their training outside the walls and give them the keys to understand the world in which they are called to evolve.
The number and diversity of the artists on the stage is striking. However, this is not always what is put forward at a time when we still speak of THE African scene, forgetting the plural which makes its strength.
Surnommé la petite Afrique, le Cameroun concentre sur son territoire tout ce qui fait la richesse du continent : un véritable carrefour topographique, politique et culturel. Dynamique et féconde, la scène artistique se renouvelle et se démarque. par son esthétique où l’humain a une place centrale.
« Matérialiser sa curiosité est bien l’acte de se déplacer, d’aller voir, interroger, comprendre. Si Vasari à son époque est parti à la rencontre des plus incroyables artistes qui peuplaient les terres de son pays, c’est aujourd’hui à nous de partir recueillir les mots de ces excellents peintres et sculpteurs qui nourrissent une scène encore trop peu étudiée. Il est pour cela nécessaire de suivre les pas des grand.e.s qui nous précèdent et de les aider à porter le flambeau qu’ils ont si vaillamment embrasé » explique Mary-Lou Ngwe-Secke.
Aurélie DjienaLes Complices, 2022On the backAcrylic and basketry on canvas11 3/4 x 12 1/4 in
30 x 31 cmCourtesy of 193 GalleryCopyright The ArtistAurélie Djiena -
Aurélie DjienaLabyrinthe, 2021SignedAcrylique sur toile et
tissage/vannerie de la toile31 1/2 x 31 1/2 in
80 x 80 cmCourtesy of 193 GalleryCopyright The Artist -
Aurélie DjienaL'amitié, 2021SignedAcrylique sur toile et
tissage/vannerie de la
toile12 5/8 x 13 3/4 in
32 x 35 cmCourtesy of 193 GalleryCopyright The Artist -
Aurélie DjienaLes aventuriers 1, 2021signedAcrylique sur toile et
tissage/vannerie de la
toile12 5/8 x 13 3/4 in
32 x 35 cmCourtesy of 193 GalleryCopyright The Artist -
Aurélie DjienaLes aventuriers 2, 2022signedAcrylique sur toile et
tissage/vannerie de la toile11 3/4 x 11 3/4 in
30 x 30 cmCourtesy of 193 GalleryCopyright The Artist -
Aurélie DjienaL'innocence, 2022signedAcrylique sur toile et tissage/vannerie de la toile12 5/8 x 13 3/4 in
32 x 35 cmCourtesy of 193 GalleryCopyright The Artist -
Aurélie DjienaCamouflage, 2022signedAcrylique sur toile et tissage/vannerie de la toile11 x 15 3/8 in
28 x 39 cmCourtesy of 193 GalleryCopyright The Artist -
Aurélie DjienaÀ l'horizon, 2022SignedAcrylique sur toile et
tissage/vannerie de la toile39 x 39 in
99 x 99 cmCourtesy of 193 GalleryCopyright The Artist -
Arnold FokamA blue siren carries the death manta , 2022On the backAcrylic on canvas51 1/8 x 39 3/8 in
130 x 100 cmCourtesy of 193 GalleryCopyright The ArtistArnold Fokam -
Arnold FokamThe keeper of the last sword fish, 2022signedAcrylique sur toile63 x 55 1/8 in
160 x 140 cmCourtesy of 193 GalleryCopyright The Artist -
Arnold FokamLa licorne des mers et la tortue Luth, 2022SignedAcrylique sur toile51 1/8 x 39 3/8 in
130 x 100 cmCourtesy of 193 GalleryCopyright The Artist -
Beya Gille GachaOrant 1, 2016SignedPerles, cire, résine, plâtre, pigment et bois51 1/8 x 27 1/2 x 8 5/8 in
130 x 70 x 22 cmCourtesy of 193 GalleryCopyright The Artist -
Beya Gille GachaCoupe les bras, coupe l’histoire, coupe le pouvoir, 2016SignedPerles, cire, résine8 1/4 x 11 3/8 x 3 1/8 in
21 x 29 x 8 cmCourtesy of 193 GalleryCopyright The Artist -
Beya Gille GachaOrant 3, 2020SignedPerles, cire, résine, plâtre, pigment et boisCourtesy of 193 GalleryCopyright The Artist
Sesse ElangweGenesis, 2022SignedAcrylique sur toile
78 3/4 x 78 3/4 in
200 x 200 cmCourtesy of 193 GalleryCopyright The Artist -
Sesse ElangweBad Mistake, 2022SignedAcrylic on canvas
78 3/4 x 78 3/4 in
200 x 200 cmCourtesy of 193 GalleryCopyright The Artist -
Sesse ElangweGhost town, 2021signedAcrylique sur toile78 3/4 x 78 3/4 in
200 x 200 cmCourtesy of 193 GalleryCopyright The Artist -
Sesse ElangweEmancipation, 2021Signed & dated on the backAcrylic on canvas78 3/4 x 78 3/4 in
200 x 200 cmCourtesy of 193 GalleryCopyright The Artist -
Sesse ElangweThe announcement, 2022signedAcrylique sur toile
78 3/4 x 78 3/4 in
200 x 200 cmCourtesy of 193 GalleryCopyright The Artist -
Sesse ElangweKolo ya mor , 2022Signed & dated on the backAcrylic on canvas
78 3/4 x 78 3/4 in
200 x 200 cmCourtesy of 193 GalleryCopyright The Artist -
Sesse ElangwePolitical Yahoo, 2022Signed & dated on the backAcrylic on canvas
78 3/4 x 98 3/8 in
200 x 250 cmCourtesy of 193 GalleryCopyright The Artist -
Sesse ElangweOur daily bread , 2022Signed & datedAcrylic on canvas
78 3/4 x 78 3/4 in
200 x 200 cmCourtesy of 193 GalleryCopyright The Artist -
Noumbimboo Leuna NjieleEnsemble, 2022signedCollage et Acrylique sur toile39 3/8 x 31 1/2 in
100 x 80 cmCourtesy of 193 GalleryCopyright The Artist -
Noumbimboo Leuna NjieleSe supporter, 2022signedCollage et Acrylique sur toile39 3/8 x 31 1/2 in
100 x 80 cmCourtesy of 193 GalleryCopyright The Artist -
Noumbimboo Leuna NjieleOù va la ville, 2022SignedCollage et Acrylique sur toile
26 3/4 x 19 3/4 in
68 x 50 cmCourtesy of 193 GalleryCopyright The Artist -
Noumbimboo Leuna NjieleElle est forêt, 2022Signed & datedCollage et Acrylique sur toile
26 3/4 x 19 3/4 in
68 x 50 cmCourtesy of 193 GalleryCopyright The Artist -
Noumbimboo Leuna NjieleAu bord de l'eau, 2022SignedCollage et Acrylique sur toile70 x 90 cmCourtesy of 193 GalleryCopyright The Artist
Marcel TchopweMedecin call box wini, 2022Signed & dated on the backAcrylic on canvas31 1/2 x 27 1/2 in
80 x 70 cmCourtesy of 193 GalleryCopyright The ArtistMarcel Tchopwe -
Marcel TchopweNext generation, 2022signedStylo et peinture sur papier21 x 29,7 cm€ 800.00Courtesy of 193 GalleryCopyright The Artist
Dorothée Grâce TongNdochi, 2021-2022vêtements et chaussettes uséesTaille variableCourtesy of 193 GalleryCopyright The Artist
Alida YméléDemi-toilette, 2022Signed & datedAcrylique et posca sur toile45 1/4 x 51 1/8 in
115 x 130 cmCourtesy of 193 GalleryCopyright The Artist -
Alida YméléPainful day, 2022Signed & datedAcrylique sur toile
51 5/8 x 45 1/4 in
131 x 115 cmCourtesy of 193 GalleryCopyright The Artist -
Alida YméléRépit.2, 2022signedAcrylique et posca sur toile
51 1/8 x 46 7/8 in
130 x 119 cmCourtesy of 193 GalleryCopyright The Artist -
Alida YméléDouceur au petit matin, 2022Acrylique sur toile
51 1/8 x 45 1/4 in
130 x 115 cmCourtesy of 193 GalleryCopyright The Artist -
Alida YméléMinamata, 2022Acrylique sur toile
Courtesy of 193 GalleryCopyright The Artist