
Exposition inaugurale de l'espace, Slumberland, de l’artiste plasticien Jade Fenu fleurira les murs du second espace de la 193 Gallery. Peinture-poème, ses œuvres oniriques abordent la matière en quête d’une constante recherche d’équilibre, oscillant entre la force et la fragilité. Récit universel alliant l’abstrait et le figuratif : cette série donne à voir le foisonnement du réel et de l’imaginaire tout en interrogeant les enjeux actuels de notre société.

Jade Fenu's paintings show spaces with a great density of materials and colors, which refer to marine, mountainous and mysterious environments. The artist gives himself working principles, constraints to then release organic forms, responding to a desire for contact with nature. He explores different pictorial techniques between spontaneity of gesture and rigorous composition, in order to dialogue with his support. His gestures and prints compose worlds where the duality between man and nature and a fight between the elements are revealed. Thanks to his technique, developed as he explores the pictorial side of abstraction, he leaves visible passages, links and shared paths between individuals.

193 Gallery
21 Rue Béranger 75003, Paris
Tuesday to Friday ⎮ 10am to 7pm
Vues de l'exposition